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How to Detect Mineral Deficiencies

This is the second article in the series, What Causes Illness? For a discussion about mineral deficiencies being the root cause of all illness, especially chronic conditions, please see Part 1.

Tissue Salt Categories

The 12 Cell Salts fall into six categories:

  • Calcium group: Calc Flor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph
  • Sodium group: Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph
  • Potassium group: Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph
  • Iron: Ferrum Phos
  • Magnesium: Mag Phos
  • Silica or Silicea

There is much information on the web about tissue salts so I will not be going into much detail here. This article is an introductory summary of some of the basic characteristics of Cell Salts. An excellent resource if you wish more detail is the book, Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies: A User's Guide, by David R. Card.

The SUPPORTIVE Role of the Calcium Group:

  • Calcium fluoride: Calc Fluor strengthens ELASTIC fibers in skin, bones, teeth, etc.
  • Calcium phosphate: Calc Phos connects with protein and albumen to make structures like BONE and tissue. It stabilizes CELLS and alkalizes the body.
  • Calcium sulphate: Calc Sulph is the GLUE that works opposite Silica to hold tissue intact. Silica is the surgeon. Calc Sulph is the closer.

The Calcium group is critical for the STRUCTURE of the body in general... the framework: the stuff that supports the body and holds us together. This group supports cellular structure, without which, we would dissolve into a pile of protoplasm.

A deficiency in the Calcium Group may show up as weak bones, periodontosis, anything sagging or prolapsed, wrinkled or cracked skin, oozing wounds that will not heal, thick discharges from cellular breakdown as the body expels the waste, anytime discharges become hardened, pimples, polyps, burst veins, crusty/yellow/bloody discharges from the nose, liver/brown spots, swollen lymph glands.

Even one of these symptoms could indicate a Calcium deficiency in one or more of the cell salts from this group. The same can be said for all the cell salts. The more symptoms, the more severe the deficiency.

The INTEGRAL Role of the Sodium Group

  • Sodium chloride: Nat Mur (Natrum Muriaticum) carries and distributes water. Salt attracts water and MAKES WATER WORK in the body.
  • Sodium phosphate: Nat Phos changes ACID into normal fluid to maintain balance. Negative emotions produce acid in the blood so acid deficiency never occurs. Excess acid is a Nat Phos deficiency.
  • Sodium sulphate: Nat Sulph regulates the SUPPLY OF WATER to keep blood, cellular fluid, bile and pancreatic juices normal. It carries away twice its bulk in water and works opposite Nat Mur.

The Sodium group is integral for the PROCESSES of the human body, which is about 70 percent water. All bodily fluids depend on this group.

A deficiency in the Sodium Group may show up as thin, watery discharges, thin blood and other bodily solutions, large pores, watery blisters, loss of smell or taste, greasy or dry skin, rash on forehead, dandruff, itch, shiny eyelids, enlarged heart, drooling, fever blisters, all watery eye affections, dry crust in nose, cracking joints, sinus issues, infertility, profuse night sweats, anything involving the bodily fluids.

Cold air is dry. Warm air is wet. All hot weather diseases are caused by too much water, therefore, symptoms of a Nat Sulph deficiency are worse in damp weather.

The UNIQUE Role of the Potassium Group

  • Potassium chloride: Kali Mur uses oxygen to diffuse FIBRIN so it can flow into tissue. A deficiency in iron (Ferrum Phos) may result in a deficiency in Kali Mur and vice versa.
  • Potassium phosphate: Kali Phos builds the brains GRAY MATTER and attracts everything needed to do so. It controls the mental and nervous state and is predominant in nerve fluid.
  • Potassium sulphate: Kali Sulph uses oxygen to make, thin & distribute OIL to skin, hair, scalp & lining of internal organs. It assists Ferrum Phos to make new skin.

A deficiency in the Potassium Group may show up as behavioral changes, allergies, all brain and nervous system abnormalities, paralysis, itchy or crawling sensation, wandering pains, hair loss, stuck together eyes upon waking, discharges of thick white slime or phlegm, white mucus coming from any orifice, dry tongue, vitiligo, destruction of skin cells and thick yellow oily discharges anywhere.

Since Potassium needs oxygen to work, all problems related to Ferrum phos may affect the Potassium Group.

The OXYGEN Carrier

  1. Ferrum (Iron) Phosphate: Iron attracts oxygen and is the only metal that rusts. Ferrum Phos carries OXYGEN in the blood to all parts of the body. Iron gives the red color to blood and toughness and strength to cell walls and veins.

Lack of adequate amounts of Ferrum Phos in the blood is like seven men doing the work of 12. The oxygen deficiency causes the blood to move faster. When things move faster they heat up. Heat causes inflammation and ultimately fever.

A Ferrum Phos deficiency also causes deficiency of other cell salts. Kali Mur deficiency usually follows first and so is used first after a disturbance in iron.

A deficiency in Ferrum Phos may show up as close pores trapping waste inside the body, red cheeks, chin and tongue, red or hot ears, hemorrhage, rush of blood to the head causing:

  • Delirium, maniacal moods, dizziness, vertigo, deafness, epilepsy
  • Blind headache, throbbing headache, sore head, head cold
  • Red eyes, flushed face, tympanitis, fever, hyperemia
  • Light intolerance, acute pain in eyes especially when moving them
  • Granulation on eyelids, abscess of cornea, throbbing earache
  • Ear noises like running water from blood rush, gastric fever
  • Nose bleed, canker sores, inflamed gums, toothache due to inflammation
  • Sore throat or hoarseness due to public speaking or singing

Ferrum Phos is used in the FIRST stage of inflammatory conditions, respiratory problems, fevers and infection.

The NERVES & MUSCLE Supporter

  1. Magnesium Phosphate: Mag Phos is in the WHITE FIBERS or strings that form nerves and muscles. It is antispasmodic.

A deficiency in Mag Phos causes cramps, neuralgia, contractions, spasms, sharp shooting pains, sciatica, twitching, lockjaw, choking on swallowing, red, round spots on cheeks, teeth sensitive to cold air or touch, hiccough, sparks or colors before the eyes, bloating with flatulence, all pain relieved by heat and aggravated by cold, pain that is relieved by pressure and/or rubbing.

Mag Phos works closely with Kali Phos so a deficiency in one may cause deficiency in the other. Symptoms are similar.

Calc Phos picks up the slack for Mag Phos and may also become deficient.


  1. Silica (Silicea) or sand is made up of tiny quartz-like molecules with sharp corners. Silica sculpts and bores passageways through the body to allow waste to escape. It also gives shine to hair and nails.

A deficiency in Silica causes swelling when waste attempts to escape usually with THICK YELLOW discharges of a crusty nature.

A silica deficiency may be responsible for brittle, dry hair, split ends, split nails, itchy or red nose, painful pustules, vertical wrinkles in front of ears, laugh lines, face ache with small lumps on face and scalp, deep-set eyes, slip eyelids, sties in or on the eye, small pores, sleep jerking, burst veins in cornea, stinky feet and pits, carries, toothache, oozy hemorrhoids, poor digestion with acid belching...

It is extremely important that you not try to diagnose yourself using these guidelines as, since this is an introduction, I have left out much detail that is necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of these and other conditions.

I have specifically attempted to refrain from using disease labels because, other than the convenience of using one word to describe multiple symptoms, labels really do not mean anything and are mainly used by MDs to use the disease code for insurance reimbursement and standard drug protocols.

I have also grouped the tissue salts together for simplicity and the symptoms for each individual cell salt vary widely. For example, you may be deficient in one of the salts, but which one requires further study.

Here is a link to another website that gives a brief description of each Tissue Salt as it relates to Facial Diagnosis: Schuessler Cell Salts: Facial Diagnosis. It also explains various ways to use them.

I gave a seminar on this subject through my sister site, Health Secrets Summit where I went into much more detail. The handout notes and power point presentation is posted there under "Past Events: Nutrition." It's actually structured like a class. Try moving through it ans see how well you do on the Final Exam.

Meanwhile, please be aware that tissue salts are homeopathically prepared and are available online very inexpensively. Do not go out and get mineral supplements which are large molecules that can do more harm than good if you do not know what you are doing.
