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Natural Health Background

What You Need To Know

This article compares the 2 systems of medicine available in the US: Conventional Western (Allopathic) Medicine and Alternative (Holistic) or Complementary Medicine.

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A Historical Summary of some of the actions and judicial records of court outcomes involving the FDA from 1965 to 2008


Scientists and statistics have already proven that cholesterol medications like statin drugs, while lowering cholesterol, have not been shown to reduce heart attacks or strokes or prolong life. Pharmaceutical companies are now developing a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors. It was thought that the FDA would make the drug companies prove that these drugs actually provided some health benefits. The FDA recently announced that it will approve these drugs based on their ability to lower LDL, not on whether they can decrease heart attack or stroke.

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POSTED BY ADMIN 2010, Revised 2014

Life, as we know it, is changing on this planet. As a matter of fact, our lifestyles, diets and environment have changed more in the past 50 years than they had in the previous 1000 years. But how does this affect us? As in all scientific studies, we look to the animal kingdom for answers. Since environmental changes affect the smallest creatures first, this article starts with them.

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