Why Me?
It doesn't seem fair... I have lived a generally healthy life... not drinking or smoking. I eat right and exercise. Why then, do I have this disease?
Please know that there is no simple answer. As everything else in life... it's complicated. First let's start with two well-known scientific laws: E=mc2 and Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction.
E=mc2 or Energy = Mass times the Speed of Light Squared
Most people, although familiar with the verbiage, have no idea what this really means. In this discussion, you don't really need to know exactly what it means. All you need to focus on is the =. When broken down in simple terms it means that Energy = Mass... a whole lot of mass.
In short, everything is made up of energy - including mass. Mass is a form of energy. The two are interchangeable. It takes much less energy to produce mass or much more mass to produce energy. The speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second. 300,000,000 squared is 90,000,000,000,000,000... a pretty big number. So you have to magnify mass significantly to get a particle of energy but it doesn't take much energy to affect mass... hence the atom bomb.
The Zero Point Field theory says the space between us is not empty but chock full of energy. The great physicist Richard Feynman once quantified its power: "The energy in a single cubic meter of space is enough to boil all the oceans of the world."
Not only is energy extremely potent but there are several forms of energy, most being invisible to the naked eye... for example: electricity, light waves, radio waves, sound waves, magnetic impulses, atomic and nuclear energy, etc. All forms of invisible energy are stronger than the dense energy we call mass. For example, it doesn't take much energy to pick up a pen or throw a ball but where does that energy come from?
If it came from the physical body mass, then why can't everyone do these things? What zaps our energy when we are sick or infirm? Logic dictates that the body mass must have another form of energy flowing through it or attached to it that fuels these movements. But what is it?
The truth is, we are not just a physical body. We also have an emotional body, a mental body, an etheric body and an astral body. And for all we know, we may have other energy bodies that we don't know about yet... just as the caveman could not conceive of an astral body.
The fact remains that energy is stored within, around and attached to the body and the ability of this energy to flow freely in balance is what makes us healthy beings. So it's not just what we eat or what the body does or does not do that is important. The physical body may be the body we see but it is the weakest of our energy bodies. This is much misunderstood.
Sir Isaac Newton's Law of Physics
"Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction" not just on the physical level but also on the other energy levels as well. Just like in the physical there are positives and negatives, so too there exists positive and negative energy. It's important to note that on the energy level, like attracts like or positive energy attracts more positive energy and vice versa... hence the idea behind the "power of positive thinking."
Where the emotional and mental bodies are concerned, logic again dictates that our thoughts are important catalysts in the energy process. Energy follows thought.
If our thought patterns are fear, anger, resentment, "Why me," then we attract more of same and become a magnet for negative energy. The more we try to fight the reality, the harder it pushes back. So the more we resist, the worse it gets.
Our view of life becomes myopic and we box ourselves into a vicious cycle. We can't see outside the box and continue to throw energy at the unwanted thus cementing it in a stalemate as it pushes back with equal and opposite force trapping us inside.
It's important to know that we need not honor all the thoughts that pass through our mind. It is our focus that keeps them within our energy field. Some thoughts are better left to pass on through. Rather than focusing on the negative, it's much more beneficial to focus on the positive.
The key here is to change the thought pattern. Reverse the polarization of the magnet and the debris will be released. Offer no mental resistance. Just let it go and it will eventually dissipate.
Instead of focusing on the disease, focus on wellness and what you are learning from the disease. Focus on the good and you will attract it to you. After giving it some thought you may even be grateful for the disease for some of life's most difficult lessons are learned through adversity.
This new and relaxed thought pattern places one on a higher vibrational level that attracts same. It's on this level that miracles happen.
So how did I get here to begin with?
The answer to that could be similar to why you got your last cold or flu? You may want to assess your past habits to see if you can determine a cause but the important thing to focus on is getting better. So the answer to the question, why me, is in there somewhere but it's up to you to find it. Take the laws of science, fact and logic and use them to understand the reality that holds you where you are.
Ancient Principle of Eastern Wisdom
"When the mind needs healing, work on the body...
-When the body needs healing, work on the mind."